410 Stainless Steel Tapcon Concrete Screw w/ Phillips Head 3/16″ x 2-3/4″


Small Clam: 8 Ct.


Providing the ultimate in corrosion, rust, stain and temperature resistance, the 410 Stainless Steel Tapcon is the most universal screw for almost any application and provides:

  • Stainless steel finish provides a decorative aesthetic and superior corrosion resistance
  • Superior holding strength
  • The ability to withstand harsh conditions
  • Long-lasting performance
  • A reputation for quality, strength and ease of installation from industry professionals

Click Here to learn how to install Tapcon Screws.

The ultimate in temperature resistance, corrosion, stain and rust, the 410 stainless steel Tapcon® is ideal for projects in harsh environmental conditions. Choosing the Tapcon® stainless steel masonry concrete anchors ensures the highest quality, superior holding strength and ease of installation. The 410 stainless steel Tapcon® masonry concrete anchor installations include marine construction, railings screened porches, pool enclosures, coastal construction, water and utilities, sanitation and wastewater. Special threads are the difference. The patented Advance Technology Hi-Lo twin-thread design creates a mechanical linking by tapping threads into the masonry base material. The high threads cut the threads and are notched to allow masonry dust to be removed. The low threads provide positive stability when the 410 stainless steel Tapcon® masonry concrete anchors is being installed in the base material.

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Part No.

Bucket: N/A Large Clam: N/A Medium Clam: N/A Small Clam: 26165


Bucket: N/A Large Clam: N/A Medium Clam: N/A Small Clam: 092097261655